Originally posted by whiskers_ump
IFR responsbility should be shared coverage. The base umpire and the plate umpire should have equal authority to call the IF, ...The IF is a judgment call and either umpire can make the call.
Well, finally to the nub of the issue. The base umpire raising his fist is a direct IF call, not umpire-to-umpire communication that needs to be echoed by the PU for the call to be made. Whether or not the two umpires agreed in the original scenario that this was an IF, the fact is one umpire called it, and the other overruled. This is a judgment call. It was the umpire who overruled who was wrong, regardless of whether the wind was blowing at 0 or 50 mph. And, he was wrong a second time by showing up his partner with the coach.