This league was established about 4 years ago. Doug mentioned the zero tolerance stance their first year but it was never enforced. A softball coach, that was banned by another league in the area, headed up and managed in their Belles division (13-15 yo). I knew his behavior would test their local rule very early in the season. He was ejected in the second game of the year but never suffered any penalties. I was told that the league felt he was being targeted by the umpires because of his reputation. He never coached again after that year due to more incidents throughout the season. I've umpired many games for this league and the fans are fairly well behaved, but it's in the most affluent area of our city. Thus some parents, coaches, and children believe that they are above the rules and their behavior usually reflects this belief.
[Edited by alabamabluezebra on Apr 2nd, 2004 at 02:55 PM]