Originally posted by Dan_ref
Mick, the only time
the T stays with the ball in this case is when there's a
closely guarded count going, no?
I, as Trail, have always maintained my area of responsibility (my 3/4 of the Front Court). Just because the Lead came over I have never consciously given up the base line area up.
As Lead, I git across the lane and turn back toward my primary and am ready to assist, not take over, in my partner's primary.
I have never heard, or read, about giving up a primary in a two-whistle. Yet, it's an automatic in 3-whistle.
Additionally, with the Lead on the strong side and the ball headed in the other direction, the Trail (New Lead) stays on that side of the court, and the Lead (New Trail) crosses over, to box the play, to the side for which he originally had primary.