If you get the rules down and the mechanics as well, you will be able to handle levels higher than 10 year olds pop warner. As I said earlier, I have a good mentor (actually 4, a veteran crew took me under their wings). That helps alot, find someone in your area that you can use as a mentor.
As for rookie experience, as someone said earlier, you will be a bit confused at first, but after a few games you will start to see things you didn't initially and start to understand the mechanics that you read about, and how to apply them appropriately on the field.
All I can say about my rookie experience is it was great, and that the kids are a lot bigger than when I played, so keep your eyes open and feet moving (not just for play, but to save your rear). I spent most of last year in umpire position. You want to be able to stay out of the way of play.