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Old Tue Feb 13, 2001, 04:27pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Re: Re: Aaaah, David

Originally posted by Carl Childress

The mechanic changed in the 70s because of FAT plate umpires who were just too lazy to do their jobs".

Papa C perhaps the BU is the one who is too lazy. With no-one on base and a hit to the outfield, the BU comes in, does a button hook, watches B1 touch First and then follows B1 to whatever base he goes to. What's so difficult about that?

If the BU is following proper mechanics, he should always be ahead of the runner since he is cutting across the diamond (via hypotenuse like) and be in proper position when a play is being made.

Now if my partner falls asleep or stumbles a bit, I will then say I've got 3, cover home

Let the BU Earn his keep . The PU has enough to worry about rather than follow only 1 runner around the bases. Now if we have action (other runners) that's different, but with no-one on base, the BU should take B1 all the way around. BTW, this is what is taught at our association.

The botoom line Work this out in the Pre-game.

Pete Booth

Peter M. Booth
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