Originally posted by Duke
Same here. As long as there is a touch, I allow it. Can be a quick touch of the back of the glove with the ball.
Quick touch yes, back of glove, no.
In recent clinic, Steve Rollins noted that the hands supposedly being together indicates the bare hand should be inside of the glove. It was stated the the back of the glove shouldn't be accepted. Maybe I misunderstood, but it makes sense to me. The definition of starting the pitch notes that it begins when one hand is taken "off" the ball.
A hand (glove) cannot be taken off if it was never in a position to be on the ball. Of course, I am talking about something so obvious it is impossible to miss. If, as the umpire, you have to think about it, don't call it.
Personally, I'm surprised they (powers that be) haven't tried to slow down the pitcher's motion by using the rule which requires the one second pause.
[Edited by IRISHMAFIA on Mar 29th, 2004 at 10:08 AM]