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Old Tue Feb 13, 2001, 11:09am
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally posted by Bart Tyson
OK Dan, I thought we were talking about after the last made FT. I know it is just a matter of difinition, However, when the last FT is made, the old T is now the new L. So, the L has the stop sign for the subs...
I guess we were talking about the last made FT but I still
expect the trail/new lead to be aware there's a sub waiting
and blow the whistle as the ball falls thru the basket
(unless the player runs up at the last second) and to give
the stop sign, since he is standing in the middle of the
court and does not have the ball. No biggie.

Originally posted by Bart Tyson
...While I don't do two man during the season, i still do some two man in the off season. And its not 3' square, its 3' either direction from where i am standing.
Ohhhh, that explains why in 3 man we always stand at the
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