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Old Tue Feb 13, 2001, 02:54am
David B David B is offline
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Who's covering who?


I have heard this mechanic debated time and time again, but I have to admit that your reply is the first time I have heard the reason for the PU to stay at home is so he can see the ball if it goes to dead ball territory.

If the ball does get away from the third baseman, it seems to me that it would be a lot closer if the person covering the play at third made that call. He is 15-20 feet away depending on the field of course, while the PU is 75-90 feet away.

As Dave mentioned above, it's really not that hard to rotate. The BU should be covering the runner to 2nd and then he simply peels off toward the mound as the BR advances to third.

From that position he can return to 2nd if the BR gets in a rundown between 2nd and 3rd or he can advance to home if there is an overthrow and the BR advances to the plate.

We use this mechanic at all age levels even summer leagues and it seems to work very well.


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