Originally posted by Dan_ref
You may be right, but I wasn't specifically questioning if a particular rules set declares how a particualr play should be called. I was questioning those who like to say a player standing under the basket is not playing good defense. When I see the play I posted my first thought is "nice defense".
[/B][/QUOTE]OK, and I personally agree with you. For the life of me, I can't figger out how you can make a rule that only applies to one particular spot on the offensive end of the court, and then if you have a defensive player move ONE little step, that rule no longer applies. And the rule that you did make also goes completely against established concepts like legal guarding position,etc. And you then top it all off by throwing in something like "But we don't really mean it if it happens along the baseline".
Doesn't make any sense to me. Of course, I get confused easily anyway.