Thread: Conundrum!
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Old Wed Mar 24, 2004, 01:55pm
TexBlue TexBlue is offline
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Scott, I'm a lot like Tom. It should be reported. I would go to the 2 AD's and TASO. It can all be done on the internet. You gotta think, if it was as bad as it sounds, the AD's should already be aware of a problem. At least the one from the visiting team should be aware of what happened. It sounds like the home team showed a lot of class and dignity, which cannot be said for the visiting team.

This was over in the Dallas area right? Of course, our " country gals" over in Ft Worth would never behave like that. Yeah, right.

I've never had it like that outside the fence, after the game. But we did have a ugly situation inside the fence during the game. Lot of trash talking, coupla elbows, etc. After talking to both coaches, 2 ejections and another talking with the coaches, it settled down. This involved one of the Ft Worth School District teams. Of course, we had to fill out the report. The AD was very cooperative and was very aware of the situation with his players. It was handled, one of the players was kicked off for the year and the other for 4 games, I think. But the AD called us, got our version and opinion of what happened and worked with us very well.

So, I guess all this adds up to let 'em know.
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