Thread: Block/Charge
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Old Wed Mar 24, 2004, 12:49pm
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
I'm probably the only official in America (I'm sure I'm exaggerating) who likes the NBA/NCAAW "semicircle." There are too many drives to the basket that end up being player control fouls because a defender puts himself/herself in the path of the defender -- not up where it is actually "playing defense" but rather at a spot on the floor where the only possible outcome is for the defender to get flattened and the official to call a PC foul.

Rich, doesn't the semi-circle rule apply to secondary or "help" defenders, not the primary defender? [/B][/QUOTE]

Actually Rich, there are at least two of us here on this board...and to answer JR - in NCAAW there isn't a semi-circle, but the rule about taking a "charge" under the basket does apply only to secondary defenders...and anyone who likes the NCAAM ruling should refer back to the two PC calls in the first half on Gonzaga's Ronny Turiauf - wouldn't have been called that way in NCAAW or NBA...oh well, wouldn't have helped them anyway - Nevada was too good...
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