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Old Mon Feb 12, 2001, 01:06pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by Wondering
My question is this. Which is official is responsible for bringing them and what is the procedure if the non-shooting team immediately grabs the ball?
The trail will bring the subs in. but any of the 3 officials may recognize the subs, whistle, and prevent the opponent from inbounding the ball.

I assume the Trail is the responsible official since he is facing the table. But he is also fairly busy counting and watching the players until the ball drops thru the hoop. At that INSTANT is the Trail required to check the table and immediately - before the non-shooting team can grab the ball - and whistle if there are subs reported at the table?
No, the trail official should not be facing the table. There shouldn't be any reason to be counting players at this point either. If the trail closes down, a sub may slip in behind him, in which case the lead or the center may have to whislte and stop play. If I'm at trail, I normally glance over my shoulder as the ball goes through the basket.

What if the non-shooting team grabs the ball as it falls out of the net? Should the Lead take the ball away so subs can come in?
It doesn't matter if the opponent has the ball or not if the subs have properly reported and are at the table.
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