Hawks Coach -- I'd have to strongly differ with your opinion of the accountability of NBA Officiating. At each NBA game there is an Officials Observer in attendance (they get paid about $25k for the season - not a bad "gig", huh?). They are required to file a report, w/in 24hrs. of the game,with the league office. I have worked small college games w/ the person based in Chicago; that's how I have this insight. He told me that he uses a system to note every time the whistle blows - who blew the whistle, time of game, reason, etc. After the game, he is given a DVD of the game that he can review on his NBA-provided laptop to take a second look at questionable calls/non-calls. The entire game crew actually reviews the game in the locker room before leaving the arena. The Observer, as well as the game officials, are required to take online rules tests and view game situations on a regular basis.
I believe there are 3 (maybe 4) "mentors" from the league office that are assigned to work with officials to create development plans for individual improvement (areas such as: conflict resolution, leadership, mechanics, communication, etc.). All league staff have Blackberry devices to immediately communicate needed updates or rule interps.
This is the first year of this comprehensive evaluation program. There was an article 2-3 months ago in Referee Magazine that also included some details about the new program. I certainly think it is quite impressive.....
Jeff Pearson