ASA does indeed cover this play. Rule 8.2.C:
The Batter-runner is out...
When, after a fly ball is hit, the ball is then caught by a fielder before it touched the ground, any object or person other than a defensive player.
So, unless the bird is in the game and on the line-up card, it is ruled no-catch and all runners are safe.
Furthermore, ASA Casebook - 2001, Table of Contents (page ii) ABBREVIATION KEY:
B(N) Batter
R1 Runner closest to home
R2 Succeeding Runner
R3 Runner on First Base (bases loaded)
S(N) Substitute
CR(N) Courtesy Runner
PC(N) Physically Challenged Player
F(N) Fielder by Position (See Rule 4)
If I am speaking ASA, which is 95% of the time, I will be using these designations.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.