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Old Wed Mar 17, 2004, 02:04pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
I don't think Indiana fans would want coach K. Not a chance, and if you were from Indiana you would agree. I can agree to disagree with you about coach K. You said all the coaches I mentioned were great coaches? George Seifert? Oh my. Now we know you aren't from Indiana and you aren't a 49er fan.
All this banter back and forth is all in fun to me. I just have my opinion. Debates like this are the most fun I have since my team is terrible. Oh, a lot of people consider Indiana's recruiting class the best except for the fact that the kid from Atlanta is probably going pro. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Bracey Wright goes pro. It looks better in the future but not great. Before the salary cap being a 49er fan was a lot like being a Duke fan. We knew we would be in the hunt for a championship because we knew we would have the talent.
I lost the over-30 championship last week and I was bummed. The team that beat us was better, bigger, quicker and had more talent. We got a second place trophy for the season and a second place trophy for the tournament. Was I happy? Not a chance. I didn't tell my wife about it until later and the trophies are on my desk at work. If you don't play to win it all then you might as well get a Playsatation

[Edited by tomegun on Mar 17th, 2004 at 01:06 PM]
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