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Old Sat Feb 10, 2001, 08:50pm
Roger Greene Roger Greene is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 517


Please dont take offense, but your plays would be much easier to understand if you would use sentences and the standard runner designations.

R1 is the runner on first base, R2 the runner on second base , and R3 the runner on third. I know the Fed case books use the reverse with R1 being the runner who reached base first.

Which sentences ares clearer and more concise?:

R1 is on third, R2 is on second, and R3 is on first when B4 hits a fly ball to F9. R1 tags and scores, R3 leaves early.

R1, R2, and R3 when BR hits fly ball to F9. R3 tags and scores, R1 leaves early.

Keep posting. I've been missing softball discussions all winter.

Roger Greene,
Member UT
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