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Old Fri Mar 12, 2004, 09:25pm
blindzebra blindzebra is offline
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Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Where does it say that the coach was talking to him? It seems to me, on reading his entire post, that this falls into the category of anticipating the call. He came in expecting the worst, and used the T as a game management tool. I am not impressed with this particular call.

As for the other T he cited, I did not intend to say that it was wrong to T in that specific case. I am saying that it is not an automatic T in that case, in my opinion. Could be given, could be handled in other ways. If you have a lot that are in this category, you will average more Ts than those who use other means first and T only when absolutely necessary.

Again, level of play and the conditions you face week in and week out also play into this, and I am sure that rec ball is worse than HS varsity. So maybe it is a tool that you bring out more quickly. With HS coaches, use the jeweler's screwdriver to adjust at first, and break out the hammer when necessary.
Coach,at that level it is about preparing these kids to play the right way.The coaches should be teaching fundamentals and we should be teaching them the rules.

Because of this,and the skill of the coaches at this level,I tend to be less tolerant of working the officials.That comes to the head coach,assistants are under
ZERO tolerance for unsporting behavior.If it is loud it is automatic,if it is personal like,"You should be watching the game," that is automatic too.The other case about the charge,I've addressed that,we should not report fouls close to the bench area and in that case I'd recommend pulling the head coach aside and tell him to control his assistant.
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