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Old Fri Mar 12, 2004, 05:23pm
blindzebra blindzebra is offline
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Originally posted by ref18
Looking back on my notes of the T's i've given, i think there's only one that i'm a bit questionable on. A bit of backround on it, this team has two very lound and abnoxious coaches who've i had the pleasure of reffing at least 20 times in the past. I know with this team that if i don't do something early, it'll get ugly, so I call a very obvious player control foul, the ball-carrier lowered her shoulder and rammed it into the defender. I go to report it, as i'm walking past the bench, the assistant coach says, "Terrible, Terrible Call" I T him up, now the only thing was the way he said it. It was very softly and the only reason i heared it was because i was right infront of his chair. It sort of quieted the whole bench for the rest of the game, and i ran into that same team last weekend, and they were much better than in the past. So, i think it was a very good T, but that's as questionable as they get in my mind.
Assistant coaches should not be talking to you period.Situation wise,this is me now,a word to the head coach to control his assistant might have worked as well.

That is one reason not to go by the bench when you report,you will hear things you may be better off not hearing.
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