Originally posted by JMN
OK, I'm with you. Here's the play I meant to present:
A 4/10 @ B-40. QB A12 completes a legal forward pass to A90 who advances to the B-35 where he fumbles the ball. A62 recovers A90's fumble at the B-42(does not advance). B51 roughs the passer during the play.
Does the 4th down fumble rule come into play?
Yes it would, but since your play stated A62 did not advance, I took that literally that he was down at the spot and I wasn't going to bring a 'what-if' to the play.
Had you placed the spot of the recovery beyond the spot of the fumble in the original play, that would have changed things.
Regardless, it is a good example and on any 4th down play with a fumble, it's good to talk it out prior to making the final decision.
In your changed play description, as I see itm the spot if the 4th down fumble recovery is behind the NZ, so the penalty is marked off from the previous spot. A's ball 1/10 B-25. Clock on the snap
I do not argee with Uncle Ernie's spot of the B-28 for the penalty mark off.