Originally posted by mnref14
...How on God's green earth can any official be forced to put the ball down????? Get them out of the dang huddle....Communicate!!! Who in their right mind is going to say, no we're not coming out??? The only times I've ever seen this done, was during JV games where the officials were just trying to prove a point - its bogus. It makes us look bad, its not necessary - it negatively effects how people perceive us as officials. NOTHING POSITIVE COMES FROM IT. We don't need it. Its like when I started out officiating and all I did was look for 3 seconds, finally an experienced official said to me, "What good does that do for the game?? Talk to the players, get them to leave the lane." Sure has helped over the last 8 years, if I had said "Forget that guy." And not thought about the concept I wouldn't have improved as an official, but every goofy Dad in the crowd would have thought I was great - "Way to call the 3 seconds." Instead, I'll communicate - I'll stay positive and if players and coaches are willing to do the same it'll be all good.
Communication requires that someone listen. No matter how hard you try, there are some that simply are not going to listen. Nothing you do can make them listen.
If they choose not to listen, then the ball goes down. I probably average putting it down less than once per year...but there are times it needs to be done.