Thread: dribbling rule
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Old Fri Mar 05, 2004, 10:39am
mdray mdray is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 188
reviewing rules 4-15 and 9-5-3 ---

it says in 4-15-4d that one way a dribble ends is when an opponent bats (intentionally strikes) the ball. I started thinking about an interrupted dribble contacting another player. I understand the dribbler can "catch up" to an interrupted dribble and continue the dribble. Let's say the ball contacts another player (opponent or teammate)during an interrupted dribble...has this contact with another player ended the dribble? I'm thinking the dribble has not ended. Does this mean then, that the dribbler can only "continue" the dribble? Would it be an illegal dribble to recover the ball (grab it with two hands) and dribble again?

Does rule 9-5-3 have any application here? (a player can dribble a second time if it is after he/she has lost control because of a fumble which has then touched another player).
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