Had a game a couple of months ago. Girls varsity. Home team is up by about 25 and pulls its starters and main reserves. Visiting team puts on a press on the B squadders and scores 12 unanswered points. Home puts starters back in and extend the lead back to 20 in no time. This is kind of the reverse of this situation, where the home coach tried to "call off the dogs" if you will and the visitor was still waving the steak.
I abhor coaches who keep pressing when they are obviously going to win the game handily. What can they possibly be learning when the opposition can't even get the ball across half court? I don't care what anyone says here. You know darn well you call the game differently when one team is up by 30 or 40 points. You may not be consiously doing it but we all do it. I remember telling a coach who was up by 40 points in the first half, "I can't tell you how to coach, but I can tell you how I will officiate if you keep pressing this team." This was a Junior High tournament and the score was something like 46-6. In varsity games, I don't think I would say anything to a coach.