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Old Sat Feb 21, 2004, 04:35am
Brad Brad is offline
Whack! Get Out!!!
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Johnson City, TN
Posts: 1,029

This may be your first visit here, but you are borderline on an ejection... We do not go for personal attacks on this forum, so I would stay away from the derogatory comments towards others on the board.

The article by Greg Hansen was one of the worst excuses for journalism that I have seen in a long time. His bitterness was only exceeded by his ignorance.

He called the crew of Tommy Nuñez, Bill Vinovich and Tom Wood a "lower-level crew"... They are ALL NCAA Tournament officials! In addition to that, Bill Vinovich is an NFL official and Tommy Nuñez (Jr.) is the son of former NBA Tommy Nuñez who retired last year after a career of 30 years.

Tommy Nuñez, Bill Vinovich and Tom Wood have forgotten more about officiating than Greg Hansen will even know. Furthermore, the fact that he identifies them as a "lower-level crew" shows that he can't even do HIS job as a journalist.

At the end of his ramblings he even takes a jab at Tommy Nuñez for flying first class. Give me a break!

Understand that this board is by and for officials. We have coaches and fans that participate because they can do so in a reasonable manner. Fans that think that this forum can be used as an extension of their 3rd row seat in the gym to berate officials are going to be sadly disappointed!

- Brad
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