Originally posted by williebfree
icallfouls's posting is darn near verbatim of my sentiments as I read through the lengthy list of responses.
I do not want this to seem like a personal attack, because I do not believe in that method of getting a point across. I prefer that you view my following observation as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism:
Unless you have worn the stripes and whistle, invested hours of rules study, and spent your money to participate in officiating clinics, it is extremely difficult to feel that you can make anything but a subjective (uninformed) assessment of PAC-10 officiating. Are you willing to subject yourself to the same rigorous demand to be considered a candidate as a PAC-10 official before you pass judgement on the officialsÂ’ performance, good or bad?
If you are relying on the media (TV, radio, print, et al) as a resource to support your position, most of us will tell you that is a faulted approach because they demonstrate the same uninformed basis in making their assessments of officiating.
To be honest with you, I do not feel qualified to publicly pass judgement on the PAC-10 officials. Additionally, I chose to honor the decorum of respect that should be demonstrated for all officials who have been assigned to work the game, by people in positions of responsibility to do so.
MY final observation: Officials enter the court with the attitude that they want the game played within the rules. Their responsibility is to ensure that it is played that way. Officials do not care who wins the game.
Great post. I know most of my argument is based on my own subjectivity, but I think if you saw some of the officiating I was referring to you would understand my frustration. I understand there are going to be some bad calls every now and then, but where there's smoke there's fire, and if enough "biased" media say something, maybe something really is wrong.
I honestly mean no offense. I understand that being an official at any level is a heavy task, and I make no assumptions that I could do it better. I just think at the D1 level, there should be better officiating. I expect more from professionals, and some of you do too- here's another thread about questionable PAC 10 officiating: