Thread: 7th/10th foul
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Old Wed Feb 18, 2004, 10:56am
footlocker footlocker is offline
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Posts: 365
This is really goofy. Rich has it exactly right. Pay attention through out the game and you'll be expecting the one and one. Then when you call the seventh foul you can look real sharp by pointing to the offended player and yelling to your partner, that's my shooter. Plus, I love signaling one-and-one to the table before the scorer can indicate it to me. It shows everyone that I know what is going on. And I do.

By the way, ever see the single red lighted circle for the one-and-one and the two red lighted circles for the double bonus. It exists and is the same thing that you are proposing. Still the best solution is to train yourself to pay attention.
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