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Old Mon Feb 16, 2004, 05:11pm
TPS2859 TPS2859 is offline
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Smile Re: All slaps are not created equal.

Originally posted by JRutledge


Not sure what that means. Because fouls are based on how the contact affected the play, not the severity of any contact.
Peace [/B]
Help me here, so if a player is shoved to the floor AWAY from the ball and does'nt affect the lay up in progress, no foul? I dont think so. Back to the original... the pass is not affected by the slap on the arm (hand is part of the ball, if ball is in hand) so you do not call a foul. So player goes up for a lay up and ball goes in, player while still air born gets clocked as player b tries to block shot. No foul, the contact didnt affect the path of the ball, right. I dont think so !
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