This is a tough one. Forget about that travel call for purposes of this forum. You'll get all kinds of answers. Find some varsity refs that are working high level games (at your state tourney and such), Ak your area assignor next year to have this crew follow your freshman and JV games. The key here is find a crew that is willing to work with your development. Its hard for a varsity official to show up at halftime of your JV game and make comments about your judgement.
Example: You pass on a call that you normally would not because your partner passed on it earlier in the game for the other team. Varsity officials only see the second pass and tell you (because you have asked them beforehand to watch your judgement) that you should not have passed. Well, you knew that. If you try to explain this then it could look like you don't take feedback well.
The best way to get good feedback on judgement is to pick some mentors whose judgement you do like (and is respected by others) and have them watch a whole game.
Good luck.