Fri Feb 13, 2004, 09:39pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by Snaqwells
Ugh!! Sophomore boys.
10 seconds left. H ball in backcourt against full court press. V down by roughly 5 or 6. V32 decides, for whatever reason, that a simple foul isn't enough. He bear hugs/head locks H22 and pulls him to the floor. Whistles everywhere (two of them, precisely). H42 comes flying into the play landing on V32. Crowd going crazy. Coaches standing, Partner and I getting things stopped. I felt good that it stopped with only three participants
We go aside, get everything sorted out. I've got 1 flagrant personal on V32, and 1 flagrant technical each on H42 & H22.
As we're screwing up (in our heads) the free throws to be shot, V coach decides to send V32 to the showers, unattended. V32 figures he's done, so pops off with an "F&$# you" to white bench. Great, now another Flagrant T on the same player (forgot to charge this one as an indirect to V coach.)
Now, in my head, for some ungodly reason, I'm counting the original play as a flagrant personal AND a T for fighting.
Offsetting the phantom T on V32 and one T on H, I've somehow got H shooting two shots for the flagrant personal an two shots for the last flagrant T on V32 (on his way off the court). I frankly don't know where I got the number of shots, or why I gave H the ball rather than V, but I did.
On top of all this, H AD comes onto the court right after the fight because he thinks he needs to help us. H coach is arguing that 42 did not go charging into the play, and even if he did he was only trying to break them up.
I respond that I don't know if he's going in to fight or break them up, and it looked like he tackled both players. AD reminds me several times, on the court, of the severity of the call I'm about to make (completely out of line here.)
Anyway, we shoot the free throws, finish the game, and apologize to the varsity refs for the late start. (^: They decide not to kick our a$$ because we had a legitimate excuse. (^:
Ad decides he wants to come into the locker room and inform me that he saw the whole thing, in a tone that suggested he thought I was wrong. Very calm, but obviously in disagreement wity my call. I ask him to tell me what he saw, because I'd like to know if I was wrong. He says he had the headlock from V32 (which I knew). I affirm that and repeat why I had T's on H42 & H22.
Security comes in a few minutes later to escort us out to our cars. H coach sees us in the hallway, and yells down at us that he's sending the tape to the supervisors (which I'm glad for, maybe I can get a copy.) Then he yells that we screwed the free throws up as well (he was right, but he benefited from the screw up.) I let him vent and we walked on out.
Rough night.
The good news is I might get a video tape to watch myself ref. I think I had 31 minutes and 50 seconds of a decent game, although I question that if the kids got into a fight at the end.
Adam (still frustrated that I got the free throws and possession wrong.)
Real fine post.
Good luck with the precipitate!