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Old Fri Feb 13, 2004, 09:20am
bigwhistle bigwhistle is offline
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Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by zebraman
You want it by the book or by reality?

I don't have my rule books here so I'm going by memory here. By the book, I believe you have a false double foul. You have a foul on B1. The ball is still live when A1 crashes into B2 so now you have a player control foul on airborne shooter A1. The ball is dead on the PC foul so no bucket. Administer the fouls in the order they occurred. Two shots for A1 with the lane cleared and then ball out of bounds for Team B.

In reality, that's a foul on B1 and the contact by B1 caused A1 to charge into B2. Count the hoop and shoot one.

Yep -- and if we do it by the book, B can run the end-line if A1 last FT is made; it's a spot throw-in if the last FT is missed.

Naw. If we do it by the book, Team B will probably get the ball at the division line for a throw in after the two shots for the technical foul on Team A's head coach are administered.
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