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Old Mon Feb 05, 2001, 10:01am
Brian Watson Brian Watson is offline
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To me, he sounds like he is the type of coach who tries to find your nerve, so he can jump on it. We have a coach here who will use your name during the game like you have been buds for years.

"come on Brian get him off our guys"
"Brian you know he was straight up"

Etc. Drives me nuts.

In regard to your first question I would ask the assoc to make him submit the video of the game in question, let your board review it, and provide the coach with a formal response. The eye-in-the-sky doesn't lie, and it will let him know they are looking in to it. If they get you a copy to review later on by yourself, then bonus, it is always good to watch yourself. Nothing worse then being on the 11 o'clock news and looking like a schmuck.

For you other issue, the second he gets personal, whack. The next time, whack. He'll learn that he can't push you araound anymore. Even if you don't think that is what is happening, in his mind he has an edge over you because you have never "pushed" back with a T.

I just wish Dave could get this guy in a rec league for 10 minutes.

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