Originally posted by tnroundballref
Had a play Tuesday night that I would like to get some feedback from the board.
I am trail in three whistle crew. Team A takes a shot and as it hits the rim bounds very long into team A's side front court near the baseline.Team A player runs and jumps and grabs the ball with one hand as he is going out of bounds and slings it into the back court. A team A player runs the ball down in back court. I have a backcourt violation by team A. The coach was screaming it wasn't a BV because his kid never had control of the ball in front court after the shot attempt. It was my oppinion that the kid who ran and grabbed the ball one handed did indeed have posession. I guess my question is, does two hands on the ball = posession or could it be only one hand ?
if in your opinion he had possession then you handled it correctly. I would agree with you, he had enough control/possession to throw it 50 some feet so IMO good call...