Originally posted by Dakota
Even though the rule book doesn't explicitly say this, it is consistent with what I read the intent of the rule to be, and is how I would rule.
But the rule book does explicitly state who is permitted a CR. If the runner does not meet the quals, they don't get a CR. The misunderstandings are caused when folks insist on forcing their own logic which often includes intermixing offensive and defensive positioning into the equation.
Steve, I agree ASA rule 8-10E is written in absolute terms, but so is 8-10A & B, so I'd resolve the apparent conflict by ruling based on what the intent seems to be (barring an official ruling to the contrary from ASA or NFHS).
Yes, in absolute defensive positioning terms.
ASA (2003 - don't have 2004 yet) Rule 4-3F The person being batted for (DEFO) ...Rule 8-10E The courtesy runner is not permitted to run as a courtesy runner for the Designated Player (DP), if the DP is batting for the pitcher or the catcher.
Yep, you caught me not qualifying my statement by commenting that the DP doesn't bat for anyone other than the designated FLEX player in the 10-slot on the line up card.