There was in interesting post on Troll Central that I thought I would paraphrase over here, with a couple of slight adjustments, since hardly anyone responds over there anymore.
ASA or NFHS rules.
The rules state that if the DP is batting for the pitcher or catcher, the DP is not allowed a CR if she gets on base.
The rules also state that, after the first half inning, the player who last played the pitcher or catcher position in the previous half inning is allowed a CR is she gets on base.
Situation: DP is batting for F1. DP goes in to play defense for F2. F2 remains in the game batting in her normal position, right after the DP in the order. Next half inning, DP comes to bat and gets on base. Coach wants to put in a CR for the DP. Do you allow it?
The starting F2 comes to bat next and gets on base. Coach wants to put in a CR for her. Do you allow it?