Thread: Ref Ejected
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Old Thu Jan 29, 2004, 10:25pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Question Where are the rules that cover this?

Originally posted by Hawks Coach
And the refs would be right to say they were calling it a forfeit - and al this can be sorted out later. The powers that be can decide the resolution of the game and the situation with the referee. But game administration has the right to decide what they will tolerate in their gym. If their decision is irrational and not backed up by higher authorities, they should pay the price for that decision. But night of the game, they make the call and live with it.
At least in my state, the forfeit would be final. It would not be up for debate or discussion. The IHSA considers official's decisions to be final. So if it cost you a conference title or cost you more games for your conduct, if that is the route you want to take, so be it. And I would not be officiating a game by myself because an administrator did not like something an official did. I know I would not be leaving myself without the game being forfeited and I would support my partner and leave as well. Because we cannot have fans and players dictating who stays and goes. That is why administrators take any kind of action in my opinion like this. Because it is a "he said, she said" situation. I have no problem with reporting the official, but to dictate that he stays or not is flat our wrong. Because if you do it for profanity, are we going to do it because we do not like a call? Are you going to do it because a coach got ejected? The officials are the ultimate authority of the game, not the game management. Because if someone is not cooperating in running that game, it is not the official that should be leaving. Folks here want to always talk about what the rules say, what rule supports this action? The story does not even say what profanity was used. And for me that does matter. Because some people feel that saying "pi$$t" is a profanity word. I need more than "profanity" to even back this situation.

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