Thu Jan 29, 2004, 04:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 233
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Luv4Asian8
Hi, I have a game tonight where I have been warned to keep my eye on a team that is notorious for pregame dunking. Unfortunately, I don't have my rulebook/casebook on hand to review the rule and penalty.
It's good to know the rule, and I'm a huge advocate of knowing the ins-and-outs of even the obscure situations. . .
But. . .
If this team is "notorious" for dunking, my suggestion would be to take some sort of pre-emptive action. As soon as you get on the floor, or as soon as the team comes onto the floor, I would be the first one in the lay-up line and tell them that you're watching for dunks.
Instead of catching them, I'd rather prevent the dunks. JMO
JMO as well.