I started out pretty economical 8 years ago. I bought the mask, protector and shin guards for about $77.00. I have since upgraded. I have a $129.00 All-Star composite face mask, the Honigs K2 chest protector for $79.00 ( which I was talked into. Haven't used it yet.) and Diamond shin guards for $139.00, with the upper pad above the knee and wrap around protection on the knee. Obviously, I have no name brand loyalty. If it looks like it'll do the job, that's what I want.
By the way, is there any way to replace the little hook-loops that the straps hook onto? They don't seem to hold up to the sweat too well down here.
I figure I'm probably in the middle of the pack as far as cost goes. By the time I'm suited up, ie pants, shirt, steel toed shoes, cap and all the gear already noted it's about $480.00 to $500.00. You can get started a lot cheaper than that, if you're just getting interested in umpiring and want to see if it's for you. But, I love it, so I started spending more. The only thing I splurged on was the shin guards. I got lazy one night and my plate mechanics were suspect. I took a pitched ball off the inside part of my knee ( think I was set up properly?) I had to go to the truck and slit my pants up to my knee so I could get the shin guards off, the knee was swelled up so bad. The light dawned on me.

The next day, I improved my stance behind the plate, wearing a knee brace and my new Diamond shin guards. There's a reason they have you set up with the knees pointed toward the pitcher, not spread out. Learn from experience.