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Old Tue Jan 30, 2001, 11:53am
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
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Where do these guys come from? Is there a stupid coach camp somewhere? Here's what happened:

First quarter, A1 to inbound, defender reaches over and commits boundary violation. I report it to bench.

Second quarter, same defender reaches over on an inbound and smacks ball before release. Player technical.

Fourth quarter with less than a minute to go and A up by 2, same defender reaches over on an inbound and loudly hacks inbounder across arm before release. Intentional foul. As I go to report, the coach starts yelling. He knows better than to challenge me on a ruling, so his comments are somewhat vague, i.e.: "What's that about", "How can that happen", etc.

I tell him it's a good thing for him that his player hit the arm and not the ball. This freezes him with his jaw open and his arms above his head. He kind of reminded me of a moose with antlers.

"Huh? What do you mean?", he stammered. I reply, "because he hit the hand, they will get two shots and the ball back but your player stays in the game. If he would have hit the ball instead, it would have been his second technical. The penalty is the same, but he would have been ejected."

A small smile starts to spread across his face at this time. "Oh yeah. You're right."

Here's the kicker - he then turns to his player and screams "GOOD FOUL, LUCAS. GOOOOOOOOD FOUL!" It was like Richard Dawson on the old Family Feud yelling "GOOD ANSWER." He then pats his player on the back a few times and tells him to do it again!!!

Do these guys take stupid pills or what?

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