Thread: Chiding coach
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Old Thu Jan 22, 2004, 09:59am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Rita, I've had trouble learning to talk to coaches, too. It's not something that comes natural to me, and I've had to do a lot of work. I finally wrote out and practiced some sentences which I can use with a coach "on the way past".

She didn't have player control.
No three seconds on the shot.
Lots of contact with the body.
She took an extra step.
He had the perfect angle (about my aprtner)

...and so on. At one time I had about 12 of them written down, and I practiced them in the car. I also practiced tone of voice, and the look on my face, so that I was sure I wasn't making a situation worse. This part of it is easier now, and I think it's because I gave it some thought off the court -- like you are!
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