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Old Mon Jan 29, 2001, 05:40pm
PAULK1 PAULK1 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 271
After the initial barage by B's coach letting me know how badly we screwed up, Send both teams and coaches to their bench area(a little more tactfully than shut up and sit down) so that the crew can come together, after deciding what to do get both coaches together(away from benches and table)The conversation should go something like this.
Coaches I have made a huge error and now we have mess
to clean up. We are going to fix this by rule and neither one of you is going to be happy with this decision. After the game I will detail what has happened and send it to the state in a game report and I will make a copy available to each of you. Unsportsmanlike outbursts after the decision
will not be tolerated. All points and fouls occuring after
the FT's by B will stand additionally A1 will recieve a T for participation after being DQ and Coach A will recieve 2 indirect T's resulting from both A1's T's. Coach A you will provide me with a substitute to shoot 1 FT for A1, Coach B
B1 has fouled out you will provide me with a substitute and
a shooter for 4 FT's after which you will get the ball at the division line. You now have 30 sec to replace your players and have your teams ready to resume play.

At this time they will either comply or you are going to see one hell of a fireworks display.
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