Originally posted by DJ
2. The player may jump off that foot and simultaneously land on
both; neither foot can then be the pivot foot.
Do you agree that in order to shoot or to pass he/she could only jump off of both feet again simultaneously?
Do you agree that in order to shoot or to pass he/she could lift one foot to shoot or pass as long as he/she does not pivot?
There seems to be a lot of different interpetations concerning the second item.
1st: Thanks to Bob and everyone for posting
2nd: I agree that he/she needs to only jump off of both feet again simultaneously. However, I don't see it spelled out in the rule. Indeed, I read this NCAA rule segment before posting and I hoped there was something else. I guess the question is what is the rule for the "jump stop jump". "Neither foot can then be the pivot foot" would seem to mean he needs to jump off both feet, but I can see the opposite interpretation as long as he/she passes/shoots before landing: it's not a pivot until the other shoe drops so to speak.