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Old Tue Jan 13, 2004, 04:49pm
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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Location: Clinton Township, NJ
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Originally posted by Middleman
Originally posted by James Neil

Would A’s foul have to occur after the change of possession for B to have the penalty enforced on the try?
REPLY: Middleman, here's a play from the NFHS website. Their ruling changed during the first few weeks of the season. That's why the play is labeled "UPDATED." It seems to say very clearly that A's foul can be enforced from the succeeding spot only if it took place after the change of possession:

UPDATED SITUATION 15: "Team A snaps the ball from its own 3-yard line. While A1 is attempting a pass, A10 holds B9 in the end zone. The pass is intercepted by B2 and returned for a touchdown. RULING: Team B must decline the foul by Team A in order to keep the touchdown. Acceptance of the foul would result in a safety for Team A (award B two points), and A would then kick from the 20 yard line. As interpreted, the foul by A would have to be following the change of possession in order for the revised provisions of 8-2-2 to be in place."

Bob M.
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