Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Dan_ref
This is true, but let it be known I "clean" my whistles to get rid of the more "common" types of kooties that lead to sore throats, sniffles and other assorted badness. Maybe it really does not make a difference but I feel better doing it.
I'm sure it doesn't hurt. But I'm not sure that it kills the cooties. Any germ on your whistle came from you to begin with, so it wouldn't be anything new to your system. I'm not sure how long they can live outside a warm, moist environment anyway.
Perhaps RefRx will further enlighten us.
Well, when my kids were younger (I think I was younger too, can't remember now) they would get strep, and the doctor always told us to be careful because strep tends to hang around awhile, and sure enough I or my wife would get it a month or so later and my doctor would ask "kids get in the last 3 months" and he would smile when I said yes.
So, I got trained to wash the kooties out. Maybe RefRx will tell me I'm wasting my time and perfectly good listerine.