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Old Mon Jan 05, 2004, 01:43pm
TexBlue TexBlue is offline
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Yeah, I have a few friends who use the Honigs K-2 and they keep pushing it to me. It's light and covers the sternum, collar bone and the upper chest. They keep trying to get me to try it and they all love it. I guess that's the way to go if you're getting for Softball. I keep saying I'm gonna get one, I just haven't gotten around to it. It'll probably take one off the collar bone and causing some pain to get me to do it.
There used to be a collar bone protector around, It was just a piece of soft pliable rubber that hung around your neck and covered the collar bone. I haven't seen those in quite a while now.


[Edited by TexBlue on Jan 5th, 2004 at 12:53 PM]
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