Can't help you with your location, Chas. Some of the better ones I've run into include Honigs, Gerry Davis, Lester's Upstate Sports. These are not often the cheapest, but their price is competetive and their service is excellent. I'd suggest that you check with the folks in your local chapter - who do they deal with?
For the most part, you will not see a whole lot of speed in high school ball - especially in your first year or two working junior high, JV, and lower level varisty games. But there is nothing soft about a softball. Get regular steel-toed plate shoes. The protection is indescribably better and you will be able to put a much better polish & shine on plate shoes than anything else.
addition -
I forgot the chest protector. For high school, college, and beyond I have been well-satisfied with "The Ump" for softball (there is a hard shell baseball model too).
another addition -
For those in Pa, the only dealer for PIAA uniforms & all is Mike Shields of Purchase Official SUpplies of Pa - no relationsihp to PlusPOS that I know of. Mike has decent prices (and he pays the shipping) and also provides outstanding service. I buy a lot of stuff there every year.
[Edited by Steve M on Jan 5th, 2004 at 04:13 PM]
Steve M