Originally posted by davidw
Originally posted by BK
First time...Look right into the head coaches eyes and say, "Coach, are you gonna take care of that or do I need to?" I've used this line MANY times regarding bench personnel, assistants, and even players on the floor. I've never not had a coach take control. If they do it a second time, BANG!
I like your line. Gives one another strong alternative to instantly ringing up bench personnel--esp. if your judgement indicates the game will not be made better by immediately going to the big gun (T).
I can agree with BK if the asst. is simply sitting on the bench and being a little mouthy. But when "He was off the bench and onto the floor a couple of feet, ranting," you have to TCB. Use NCAA as an example. As much crap as D1 guys take from head coaches, you don't see asst. coaches do that.