Thread: shooting a
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Old Fri Dec 12, 2003, 08:30am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by zebracz
Originally posted by Mark Padgett

Horn blows at halftime no time on clock you or your partner give a coach a "T" when do you shoot the free-throws and what happens to the alternating arrow?

NF rules: change the arrow because it's halftime. Start the 3rd quarter with the two shots and the ball for the technical. Do not change the arrow after the technical.

Is this correct? I thought, you'd shoot the T freethrows before you go into the half?? [/B]
IF the quarter was over ("Horn blows" is not enough information to determine whether the quarter has ended), start the next quarter with the T.

IF the quarter wasn't over, then the T is part of the second quarter. You'll shoot the throws, but won't have a throw-in as part of the T.
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