Originally posted by Smitty
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I only work high school games. I don't work college games or pay much attention to college mechanics.
Smitty, that's great. I mean that sincerely. The majority of basketball officials in this country never sniff the NCAA. And there's nothing wrong wtih that. Nobody here is telling you to
stop using good mechanics, or to stop trying to improve. All
I'm saying is that you shouldn't beat up on the really really good officials at the top of the NCAA (remember this thread was started b/c of an NCAA D1 official) simply b/c their mechanics aren't as crisp as yours.
Keep using good signals (I do); keep trying to improve (I do); and keep working as hard as you can (I do). Let the assignors worry about those guys' mechanics. That's all I'll say about it.