Thread: Is this legal?
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Old Thu Dec 04, 2003, 11:18pm
BoBo BoBo is offline
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Location: Indianola, Ia
Posts: 319
Watching a replay of state finals here in Iowa and noticed this in one of the games.

Team goes into punt formation.
Punter is 12 yards deep. Personal protector is about five. One up back behind a guard.

Now the questionable part. The other up back is behind the center with his hands under the center for a direct snap. Instead of snapping to the Upback/QB he snaps the ball between the legs of the QB back to the punter. I am assuming they must run a fake off this as well.

Is the player under the center lined up legally or must his hands be away from the center.

Hope this makes sense one of those hard plays to explain almost need to see.

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