Tue Dec 02, 2003, 01:37pm
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Well, I'm going to push this issue a little to get some clarity. Here are some case plays I'd like some opinions on.
1) A1 is standing with the ball. A2 is standing, also. A1 passes to A2. A1 puts one hand up in the air to stop the ball, which drops to the ground then A2 catches it with two hands. A2 then releases the ball and dribbles down the floor. Legal?
2) A2 is running down the floor, dribbling with her left hand. Bounce, bounce, bounce... now as the ball comes up after the third bounce, A2 changes direction. Her left hand receives the ball, and pushes it again to the floor, but her momentum is carrying her away from the ball, so her right hand reaches down and pushes the ball again before it hits the floor. She does this to change the direction of the ball. Legal?
*****did the ball come to rest on her hand? if not then play on...(as a practical matter maybe ignore it if there were no defenders in the area)
2b) same scenario except that as A2 changes direction, as the ball is bouncing up so to speak, her left thigh bumps the ball, which then drops again toward the floor but slightly askew. In order to maintain control, A2 reaches down with her left hand and pushes the ball to the floor to change its direction. A2's hand touches the ball between the time the ball hit the thigh, and the time it hit the floor. Legal?
****sigh...by this time I hope coach A is screaming for her to pass te ball...anywya, the way I read it sounds ugly but good so far.
2c) same scenario, except that as the ball bounces off the thigh of A2, she catches it with two hands. Legal? Does she have any dribble left?
****can't see what's illegal but she (as they say) has used up her dribble
3) A2 dribbles, bounce, bounce, as the ball is coming up from the floor, A2 bats it over the head of a defender, then on the other side, waits for it to hit the floor once before using the left hand only to continue the dribble. Legal?
****ahhh..nice move! did the ball come to rest on her hand? if not then play on.
4) A1 passes the ball to A2 who is standing, and closely guarded. A2 throws the ball over the head of the defender, runs around and begins to dribble, using only one hand, (a)before the ball hits the floor, or (b) after the ball hits the floor. legal or not?
***i think in (a) we got one of them can't hit the ball twice deals. no problem whatsoever in b.
5) A2, standing, throws the ball over the head of the defender, runs around the defender, then catches the ball using two hands before it hits the floor. Legal? Can she still dribble?