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Old Wed Nov 12, 2003, 10:21pm
Bandit Bandit is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
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Posts: 386
ASA. Rule 6,section 5, A. "The pitcher shall not deliver a pitch unless all defensive players are positioned in fair territory, except the catcher who must be in the catcher's box. EFFECT: A. Any infraction of sections 1-8 is an illegal pitch. Question: If the pitcher cannot deliver the pitch with the catcher out of the catchers box how can you have an illegal pitch that never happens? How I come to this question: Base runner on first, right handed batter, coach does not hide the fact that he is calling for a pitch-out. The catcher sets up with her right foot out of the catchers box. I call time and the pitcher never pitches. I explain to the catcher she has to be in the catchers box to start the pitch. Partner and I discussed later and could not decide if illegal pitch should have been called. Did I do wrong or was I just doing preventive umpiring without knowing it ?
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